
Radicchio harvest: make it quick and easy with our machinery

Harvesting is one of the most important phases that determines the final quality of the vegetable. It must be done with care to prevent the head lettuce from being damaged by incorrect cuts or indelicate tears and, precisely for this reason, it is essential to choose the most suitable machinery for harvesting radicchio.

Which machinery does this job best? Ortomec offers several models with maximum efficiency, specifically designed for this type of vegetable which is cut with the utmost precision, through a blade that guarantees an intact and perfect product. Let’s see in detail the technical characteristics of the Ortomec radicchio harvesters.

The Radicchio harvesting system

Ortomec radicchio harvesters are self-propelled machines, consisting of a diesel or electric motor, a control driving column and electronic sensors. They have a stainless steel head and a patented polyurethane conveyor belt with rubber nails, certified for food. The latest generation of electronic sensors allow you to manage the height of the cut, performed through an oscillating blade system with hydraulic movement. Both the oscillating blade and the conveyor belt can be adjusted in speed for optimal work according to the needs.

Using Ortomec harvesters, all the rows of radicchio are harvested, regardless of their distance or size. The ground must be level / flat and therefore the vegetable is transplanted at the same level: the horizontal blade respects the ground level, for a safe and error-free cut on each head thanks to the great precision of the electronic sensors.

When there are unevenness in the ground, the harvesters can be equipped with the balance system: a system through which the cutting height becomes variable (inclination) during the right or left working phase. From the driving column with a single gradual command, it is possible to set the desired height. In the presence of uneven ground, with inclinations to the left or to the right, the header automatically tilts towards the direction of inclination and when the ground returns perfectly flat, it returns to balance and therefore straight. This mechanism allows the product to be cut precisely and equally even when the ground is not in perfect condition.

Bar belt: the accessory for round vegetables

One of the needs that arises in harvesting round-shaped vegetables, such as iceberg and radicchio, is the need to accompany them on the first meter of the conveyor belt, so that they do not roll down beyond the cutting system. This is a need that does not arise for open leaf lettuce, but it becomes a real problem to be solved for vegetables that have this specific characteristic.

This is precisely why the bar belt is born: an accessory that integrates the standard equipment for harvesting lettuce plants and consists of a belt that allows you to accompany the vegetable without putting pressure on it and, above all, without damaging it. This belt is placed in the front part above the harvesting head, parallel to the standard conveyor belt. In this way, after the radicchio has been cut, it is accompanied by both belts without the risk of it rolling towards the ground, thus ensuring a safe and functional harvest.

Cleaning the radicchio

Another accessory present in the Ortomec harvesters is the cleaning system. This allows you to clean the freshly cut radicchio directly in the field: in this way it will not be necessary to carry it out in the warehouse avoiding dirtying the indoor spaces with soil or leaves residues. The system consists of a 3-4 meter conveyor belt that accompanies the vegetable, after cutting, to the staff responsible for cleaning and packing the head. After cleaning, the radicchio is packed and sent to a possible side trailer via a second hydraulic belt. The empty crates reach the staff through a central roller conveyor. The dirt resulting from the cleaning operation ends up on the ground through a rear discharge hopper.


A harvester destined to harvest radicchio requires specific accessories and precautions. Structured and professional equipment allows efficient and safe work. Ortomec offers its harvesters with various accessories designed to meet every need by providing innovative solutions in the delicate harvesting phase.

If you want to find out more details about the radicchio harvesters, do not hesitate to contact us. Ortomec team is available to answer all your questions and to find the best solution to your needs.

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